Investigating our Research Habits and Tools: Poll #1

I spend a lot of time researching and writing. As a litigator I spend hours reading cases, highlighting passages, cutting and pasting. I spend hours (too many) on sites like WestlawNext reading cases and citing them up. As an author, I spend a lot of time jumping between cases and researching related issues that are discussed in those cases. Over the years the tools we have at our disposal for this work have become more intuitive, more user friendly and more inline with the type of work we do as lawyers and authors. In the coming weeks I am going to be conducting some of my own research into these tools and resources. Please help me by answering my poll questions as I post them. 

In addition to learning about the effective habits of others, I am interested in exploring what resources are out there that I might not be using and what resources may be missing!

Thanks for your support. Poll #1: