In the absence of evidence of an error in completing the certificate and what the actual readings were, it is my opinion that the learned Provincial Court judge had no alternative but to accept the facts as stated in the certificate to becorrect and conclusive proof of the accused’s blood alcohol content [para 14].
New & Notable: A missed opportunity
DG Mack
Pending & Prominent: Objective foresight or operative cause...
Yesterday during argument the central - or at least most interesting - discussion was over what test should be applied to determine the possible culpability of the Maybin brothers.
Crown counsel for the ON AG (intervenor) argued that the test should be one of "operative cause". In other words, relying on the test in R v Nette, 2001 SCC 78 that the accused must be a significant contributing cause of death, the operative test asks whether an intervening act breaks the chain such that the initial act is no longer a significant contributing cause of the death. In this test the subsequent act need not be objectively foreseeable.
The practical difference between these tests may not be apparent at first blush. During oral argument yesterday, however, the examples raised from the Justices highlighted the potential distinctions. One example was that a victim is beating to unconsciousness and left in a building. There is subsequently an earthquake and the victim dies when the building collapses. Would either approach impose liability on the attacker in this scenario.
Under the objective foreseeability test the attacker would not likely be held liable (as conceded by the BC AG). The earthquake was not objectively foreseeable. This would even appear to be so where there had been alarms warning of the impending earthquake that permitted others to escape.
Under the operative cause test, however, if others, who were in equal positions in the building to the unconscious victim, were able to escape then the initial attack and unconscious state continued to be an operative cause and could be seen as a significant contributing cause of the death.
The other example that helps illustrate the difference in these approaches is the drowning example flowing from R v Hallett, [2969] SASR 141. In that scenario the victim was beating and left unconscious on the beach. Later the tide came in and the victim drowned. Under either approach the attacker would be liable for manslaughter in this scenario. However, change one fact - a tidal wave occurs and drowns the victim.
Under the objective foreseeability test the attacker would not likely be culpable as the tidal wave was not objectively foreseeable.
Under the operative cause test it is not as clear. If the victim would otherwise have been on the beach but would not have been able to avoid the tidal wave even if conscious, then the tidal wave breaks the chain of causation and the attack and unconscious state are no longer a significant contributing cause. However, if the others on the beach avoided the tidal wave so too could the victim and the attack and unconscious state could then be seen to be a significant contributing cause of death.
The Supreme Court's ruling in Maybin will be an important one. It will clarify the law in an area where there are differing views on the legal test to be applied.
While the objective foreseeability test is easy to understand and apply, it does potentially miss imposing liability in certain circumstances where liability should be imposed. Should a person whose acts are a significant contributing cause of death avoid liability because a subsequent act was not reasonably foreseeable? The earthquake example is a good one in this regard. Despite the earthquake not being reasonably foreseeable, if others in the same position as the victim - in the same area of the building - were able to avoid death in the collapsing building, the attacker's actions could fairly be characterized as a significant contributing cause of death. In that scenario, it is just to impose liability. The objective foreseeability test would fail in this scenario and accordingly, the operative cause test should be adopted.
News: LAO Launches new and impressive website!

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about a new column in the Ottawa Citizen to be authored by members of a local defence firm: Lack of Knowledge is Bad, Imperfect Knowledge may be Worse. While I applauded the idea - to educate people on their right and obligations under the law - I queried whether that goal could actually be achieved in that form and with that perspective (and perhaps I pointed out how it might not have been achieved).
Pending and Prominent: Niqabs and the Criminal Justice System
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
Criminal Lawyer's Association (Ontario)
Muslim Canadian Congress
South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
Barreau du Quebec
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
Canadian Council on American Islamic Relations
THE MCC dismissed the argument that wearing of a face-mask by Muslim women is protected by the Charter's guarantee of religious freedom. The MCC said, there is no requirement in the Quran for Muslim women to cover their faces. Invoking religious freedom to conceal one's identity and promote a political ideology, is disingenuous.
However, where the moving party on the extraordinary remedy application is a "third party", that is a party other than the accused or the Crown, and the challenged order finally decides the rights of the third party, extraordinary remedy relief will lie on the mroe traditional grounds of both jurisdictional error and error of law on the face of the record: Cunningham v. Lilles (2010), 254 C.C.C. (3d) 1 (S.C.C.), at paras. 57-58; Dagenais v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp., [1994] 3 S.C.R. 835 (S.C.C.), at pp. 864-67 [para 23].
New & Notable: What is that little box called again...
DG MackIn this case the trial judge also relied on R. v. Gundy, supra, to draw the inference that the Alcotest device used by Cst. Lonsberry was an ASD under the Regulations. I find that on the evidence before him the inference drawn by the trial judge was reasonable and consistent with recent judicial authorities [para 24].
News: Special Offer on Mack's Criminal Law Bulletin

There is one thing that all prosecutors, defense counsel, and judges have in common – the need to be up-to-date in the face of a rapidly changing legal landscape. That is why I have partnered with Carswell in producing a new criminal law service offering commentary on current issues in the criminal law. Mack’s Criminal Law Bulletin, published bi-weekly, will help readers track important developments in this area of law in a timely manner.
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New & Notable: Deciding the matter on the merits
On or about the 2nd day of June 2004, at or near Calgary, Alberta, bein a person named in an appearance notice that was confirmed by a justice, did fail, without lawful excuse, to attend court in accordance therewith, contrary to section 145(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
On its proper interpretation, there is no ambiguity in s. 145(5). By its express terms it applies to "the time and place stated" in the appearance notice, and it also expressly applies to attendance "in accordance therewith", which includes appearances under Form 9 "thereafter as required by the court". The Crown in many cases like this has the option of proceeding under either s. 145(2)(b) or s. 145(5).
DG MackWe observe, in any event, that the summary conviction appeal judge should not have assumed that an error in reciting the proper section in the information was automatically fatal. Where errors of that type occur, amendment of the information is available under s. 601 of the Criminal Code, in the absence of any prejudice to the accused that cannot be cured by an adjournment of the trial: R. v. Sourwine (1970), 72 W.W.R. 761 at pp. 764-6, 10 C.R.N.S. 380 (Alta. Dist. Ct.); R. v. Royka (1980), 52 C.C.C. (2d) 368 at p. 371 (Ont. C.A.); R. v. Carey, 2011 MBQB 174 at para. 28. Where it appears an information charges an offence under an incorrect section of a statute, the Crown should be given the opportunity to apply to amend prior to the conclusion of the trial. In this case, that did not occur; the alleged error in the information was raised for the first time during the summary conviction appeal [paras 13-14]; [emphasis added].
Quotable Quote: Context is everything
While the recurrence of a certain type of prosecution cannot be viewed as an aggravating factor absent evidence showing that it is disproportionately frequent, it can nonetheless be examined and, if appropriate, considered as one factor in balancing the various sentencing objectives. Stated otherwise, a Court dealing with an offense seldom before the Courts may be less inclined to consider denunciation and deterrence as primary sentencing objectives, depending of course on the seriousness and nature of the offense. Conversely, a Court dealing with the disposition of an offense that is frequently before the Court would, logically, consider that the public safety objectives of the sentencing exercise call for a sentence with a sufficient denunciatory and deterrent effect. In all of the circumstances, I have concluded that there is no factual foundation for concluding that the possession of cocaine for the purposes of trafficking represents a societal problem in Cornwall and the surrounding area beyond what is being experienced in other communities in Ontario and the rest of the country. That said, offenses of trafficking in hard drugs are frequently before the Courts in this community. In addition, the Court is regularly confronted with cases involving serious offenses against the person, including homicides, where drugs are a central feature of the commission of the offense. Cases involving drug trafficking are not isolated matters before this Court, nor are cases where drugs figure prominently in related property and serious personal injury offenses.
Accordingly, the determination of an appropriate sentence in the present case takes into consideration, along with other factors, that the use and sale of addictive and destructive drugs is a societal problem that has not escaped the City of Cornwall and the surrounding area; and one which must be confronted having regard to need to denounce and deter the conduct as a means of promoting a safe and peaceful community [paras 6-7]; [emphasis added].
DG Mack
New & Notable: Getting the police car to the station
At trial two issues arose: 2011 CarswellOnt 9721 2011 ONCJ 468. First, whether the Crown could rely upon the presumption of identity as, alleged the accused, the samples were not taken as soon as practicable. Second, whether or not the Crown had proven the accused was impaired.
With respect to the first issue, Green J noted that the argument centred around what the accused alleged was an unexplained 11 minutes - from 2:09 to 2:20. The accused argued that there was no evidence about what transpired during those 11 minutes, whether another detachment was closer and whether the officer took the shortest route.
Green J rejected this argument.
As said in Vanderbruggen, "there is no requirement that the Crown provide a detailed explanation of what occurred during every minute that the accused is in custody". In any event, an explanation was proffered: the defendant was driven to the OPP detachment. It is due west on the 401. The entire trip consumed only eleven minutes. Massaging Sopinka J.'s famous metaphor in R. v. Morin, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 771 at 791, "[j]ust as the firetruck must get to the fire, so must" the police car get to the station. Further, the first test was taken well within the permitted window of two hours and no risk of prejudice has been suggested. Indeed, Halimi was never cross-examined in this area. In the end, I am satisfied that the police acted reasonably and that the tests occurred within a reasonably prompt time in all the circumstances [para 11].
Green J held that despite the accident and the behaviour in the breath room, the totality of the evidence established impairment beyond a reasonable doubt; Green J pionted to the evidence observed at the roadside and the driving evidence.
Turning to Letford, Green J disagreed that it prohibited reference to the breath readings. Citing R v Haas, 2011 ONSC 4529 and R v Nandlall, 2009 CarswellOnt 4844 (SCJ) Green J explained how the breath results could be relied upon:
To be clear, absent qualified expert evidence relating BAC readings to a defendant's ability to drive (and there is none here), consideration of Breathalyzer test results in the requisite assessment does not permit a trier to speculate as to the qualitative impact of the documented readings on the ability at issue. It confirms, however, that the defendant had alcohol in his system and not only on his breath - a factor (here already conceded by the defence) that weighs in the circumstantial inference-drawing exercise [para 17]; [emphasis added].