New & Notable: Letting trial judge's do their job...

RP was married to GL.  GL had a sister, ML.  ML, who was 13 at the relevant time, would babysit from time to time for RP and GL.  RP was 27 at the time.  Some 30 years later RP was tried for indecent assaults committed against ML.  RP was convicted by the trial judge.  He appealed to the Quebec Court of Appeal; a majority of that court found the verdict was unreasonable and entered an acquittal: 2010 QCCA 2237.  The Crown appealed.  A majority of the Supreme Court overturned that decision and restored the conviction: 2012 SCC 22.


Deschamps J, on behalf of the majority, noted that the case revolved around the credibility of the witnesses.  The sole legal issue on appeal was the reasonableness of the verdict. 

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