Current & Curious: Conspiracies - you can't join as a party once it starts, but it's not too late to join the conspiracy!

T and R apparently did not like their mother. This was not the usual situation where children are sometimes unhappy with their parents. T and R had much stronger feelings. T and R wanted to kill their mother.


T and R had a plan to kill their mother. They intended to ply her with alcohol and drown her in the bathtub.

T had a friend, JF. JF became aware of this plan. Thereafter JF became actively involved in discussing the plan and offering to assist therein. In particular, JF offered to provide an alibi; JF also advised T that she should give her mother 5 Tylenol 3’s as this would knock her out.

T and R killed their mother. R was charged with conspiracy to commit that murder. He was convicted. He appealed. His appeal was dismissed: 2013 SCC 12.

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